Collins Big Cat Writing Competition 2021
27 July 2021

Schools around the world have been taking part in Collins Big Cat Writing Competition. This year it has been based around the Shinoy and the Chaos Crew series, a brand new adventure reader series for KS1, which has been brilliantly illustrated by Beehive's Amit Tayal.
Primary pupils aged 5-11 were invited to either write a new story for Shinoy or to design a new character to join the Chaos Crew.
Beehive's Amit Tayal took part as one of the judges in the panel, which also included both authors of the series, Chris Callaghan and Zoe Clarke.
The four overall winners saw their story or character brough to life by Amit as well as having their stories narrated by both authors'.
The entries were outstanding, so creative and full of imagination, it was very difficult for the judges to pick only 4 overall winners, but here they are:
Age 5-7 New Story
The Day of Camp Crazy by Rory Rankin from St George's British International School in Rome.
Click here to watch Zoe Clarke, the author of Shinoy and the Chaos Crew read the overall winner for the 5-7 year old New Story Category.
Age 8-11 New Story
The Curse of The Sixth Finger by Claire Casapao from HFSE International School in Singapore.
Click here to watch Chris Callaghan, the author of Shinoy and the Chaos Crew read the overall winner of the 8-11 New Story Category.
Age 5-7 New Character
'Switch the Unpredictable' by Haadi Meghji from Al Muntair Boys Primary school in Tanzania.
Click here to read the winning character description.
Age 8-11 New Character
'Hoho The Lemur' by Ho Jayden from Wesley Methodist School Penang in Malaysia.
Click here to read the winning character description.
"This is most delightful to hear and a very great job to the illustrator! My student is most delighted as it was how he imagined his character to be. Amazing!"
Wesley Methodist School Penang (International)